Easing off of the Master Cleanse

I made it! Ten days of no eating. Oof. You're supposed to ease back in to eating gently, first with a day of only fresh squeezed (unpasteurized) orange juice, then with veggie broth or simple raw foods. I always have my own opinions about things, so for my orange juice day I blended in some greens. One with romaine lettuce, and one with spinach. My post-cleanse digestive system won't have to work too hard since the greens are already partially broken down by the blender, but I'm adding some fiber and great nutrients back in. I also treated myself to a glass of kombucha with a dollop of spirulina. Drinking nothing but lemon juice with maple syrup for ten days does strip the digestive system of some of its beneficial bacteria, so I think it's important to get back to my lovely fermented delights. I also got a pleasant little buzz from the probiotic surge and the very low alcohol content of the kombucha!

I suppose for my first meal I should do a simple vegetable soup or some lightly steamed veggies, but come on! I want to have a little excitement for this momentous occasion. So I whipped out one of my favorite raw cookbooks, Ani's Raw Food Kitchen, by Ani Phyo, and found this amazing recipe for polenta with mushroom ragout. I also added a side dish of thinly sliced brussel sprouts, dressed with olive oil, lemon juice, salt & pepper.

Mmm, brussel sprouts. Give them a little massage in olive oil with your hands, then spritz with lemon juice and add a pinch of salt and pepper.

Can you believe that's raw? Instead of serving the polenta in blobs, I dehydrated in a square shape for about an hour, then cut into bars, flipped, and dehydrated for another hour. This gave the polenta bars a nice firm exterior while maintaining a soft interior, and also made them a little warm. Served with a glass of home-brewed kombucha, this meal was exhilarating! (and not just because I was half-starved)

Now I'm off to the lovely Flora to enjoy my first glass of wine and fancy dinner since the cleanse. Lucky me!


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